Vista Ridge trailhead is a long drive from Portland, compared to other hikes in the Hood area.
Vista Ridge to Elk Cove is an easy hike. Very dusty. Gentle grade. As about 2 miles in the burnt area, I took with me an umbrella. Dead trees with white barks, fireweed (blooming) and beargrass (withered). Timberline trail is 2.5 miles from the sign. I camped at Wy'east Basin (5800'), the first meadow with healthy streams, minutes from the trail junction. The sky wasn't very dark at night. You could also see the light pollution from Hood River.
8/21, Sunday. Headed back up Barrett Spur. View of Hood is superb. So close, you can see and hear the falling water, the cracks. Too windy to breathe comfortably. Elevation 7850'.
Return towards Dollar Lake. This loop is better done in reverse. You can almost always see Hood along this trail from Dollar Lake. Flowers are also better. Dollar Lake itself is just a small pond. The water isn't even clear. Much better looking when it was snowed over last time I was here. I saw two tents. Pretty soon after Dollar Lake, you hit Timberline Trail. Follow it to the right (east) to Elk Cove itself. Narrow and deep. It's very green, braids of creeks, pretty. Quite a lot of people camp here.
Overall, about 12 miles (8-9 miles Vista Ridge TH to Elk Cove RT, and 3 miles Barrett Spur add-on), about 4000' gain, but seems less. Easy for overnight, very very dusty.
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