Did it as an overnighter. Started from Deeks Lake parking lot rather late - around noon. 4x4 'shortcut' around the gate is now blocked by big boulders so it's all walking from the parking.
Trail to the lake was uneventful - neither snowshoes nor spikes needed.
Deeks lake is completely frozen, one party was setting up camp on it.
There were some old snowshoes tracks visible from the lake to the col between Deeks Peak and Windsor and I gladly followed them in snowshoes. At the col tracks went left up but my plan was to camp somewhere in the way to Windsor and in the morning hike it up, pack the camp and continue to Deeks Peak completing the loop back to parking log via Lost lake.
It was all breaking trail up to Windsor so I did not went too high up and hung my hammock as soon as I found suitable trees with some wind protection around 5 pm.
There was nice views up Windsor, Sky Pilot and Garibaldi and was reasonably warm. But as soon as sun has set, temperature dropped fast and around 7 pm it was -8 C.
Morning was clear, crisp and sunny. I went up to Windsor and back in a hour. Ice axe was useful in some places. Amazing views from the top in all directions.
Next target was Deeks Peak. Following the same track I used up to the col, I snowshoed to the summit. There was one sketchy, somewhat icy slop before the summit where ice axe is a must (or it could be avoided by using the lower path over some rocks).
On a way down from the second Peak I met two hikers going up from the other direction. It was good to see people and use their tracks. And it was fun to slide down whenever it seemed safe.
Soon I realised that their tracks are not going to Lost lake but following some old route I've heard about which descends back to Deeks Lake trail. I could still switch back to Lost lake route but decided to try this new route. Oh boy, I wish I knew what to expect. It was very steep, with little snow and with some icy sections, especially in the lower part. May be going up it's a decent route, but I won't recommend it for the descend - at least not until snow and ice are completely gone.
It was well marked almost all the way down though.
Overall - it was a nice trip and doing it over two days really helps to enjoy the scenery and the nature.
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