May 18, 2018
Sunny forecast for the May long weekend and beyond was calling for something longer than just three days and Sunshine Coast Trail felt like the right duration to fill the remaining 4 working days with something else than work.
We started on Thursday after work in hope to catch both ferries that evening but were able only to get on the first one.
Reserved water taxi from Lund was for 11 am Friday and we eventually got there in time.
Most of people we met were doing only the first 'section' - from Sarah point to either Lund or Powell River. I was determined to complete it all by the next Sunday.
We used two cars which helped a lot in logistic and to re-supply once (after the Powell River).
Trail is well marked all the way - it's hard to get lost. Marked kilometers were a bit off or missed from time to time but overall were reliable and if you use SCT odometer from 'Hut-to-Hut hiking' book - they are in sync.
It's very rich in variaties of trail conditions - along the water shores, grassy and mossy deep in the woods, lots of creeks crossing (mostly on bridges), all sorts of logging roads - flat and grassy, steep up and even more steep down, some with cars (thankfully not much).
Lots of warm lakes to really enjoy and relax, some cold lakes to refresh, almost no muddy trails, some snow walking (on high elevations).
I only stayed in one cabin - on Mnt Troubridge, but all the cabins on the trail were very welcoming - clean and well built - and do provide good shelter and sleeping space should you need one.
There are lots of good tenting spots close to water sources and if you use a hammock - trees are everywhere to hang it.
Overall it took 9 days to complete the trail.
Stats : distance - around expected 188 km, elevation gain/loss - around not so expected 8700m.
In was expected to go up and down in the section after Powell River, but after the first part - from Sarah Point to Powell Lake - we already gained (and lost) about 2800m.
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