This is located off the east canyon trail up in Golden Ears Park. Did a write up on it April 2018 with all the relevant details. Lots of little creeks with their mini waterfalls flowing across the trail. There is an eroded section which is quite spectacular but stay away from the edge as it's quite the drop! From the parking lot I recorded some distances: 1.4 km to the right side trail to Mt. Nutt; at 2.4 km you'll come to an old split cedar tree bridge - must have been quite something to see the logging trucks roar across this; at 2.7 km is the old rusty gate and 2.8 km gets you to the marked trail down to the lower falls. At 3 km on the left is a big flat rock and the unmarked trail to the upper falls. The falls are lovely and roaring with all the recent rain. There is a sense of real wildness to this area which I love. As usual I got lost coming back up on the falls trail. There are so many old and newish tapes and several areas tramped down that I get sidetracked. A bit of easy bushwhacking got me sorted out ok. There used to be a marked trail from the upper to the lower falls on Gold Creek but I believe it is rarely hiked now. Have also heard it was quite dangerous in spots with steep cliffs and some fatalities. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can comment on this.
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