With the exceptional weather (though tinder dry and wildfire prone) we've been experiencing on the east coast, I decided it was time to finish the last section of the Batona Trail between Batsto and Bass River.
Spring was definitely in the air though there was a significant chill as I drove out the trail with ice glistening on the blueberry bushes as the irrigation sprinklers sprayed over them. I was glad I had dressed in multiple layers as the temperature rose from freezing to 15C by 10AM. The calls of songbirds and continuous coo of doves accompanied me throughout my hike, and crash of brush followed by the white flash of deer tails caught my attention.
This, the final section of my hike from Batsto to Bass River, spent much more time in the woods as opposed to following abandoned roads. It also had much more elevation gain...almost mountainous by South Jersey standards...I looked at it as a warm-up for the more challenging hiking I have l planned for early next month. Overall, the Batsto-Bass River portion of the Batona Trail has been an enjoyable solo hike, though I look forward to having my hiking partner back now that his knee injury has healed enough to put him back on the trail.