Today we got the entire spectrum of weather. Sun, rain, hail, and snow! Yes, snow in July, I think that's a first for me. We had initially intended to boot pack up the snow direct, but then couldn't find the route cause of white out conditions so we did the scrambles route ascent. It was definitely a difficult scramble but very enjoyable moving up Tzsil. Once we got the cruxes on Slalok it got a lot more challenging and we were thankful for all the gear we brought. The rains had made the black rock and lichens very slippery so we had to move slowly. On the return we opted to rappel the two cruxes. There was also a really sketchy snow crossing just before the true summit which had a huge drop. We opted to body belay across the sliver of a shelf we had and plunged our ice axes into the snow for stability. The views were well worth the 12hr effort as we could see all the three Joffre Lakes below.
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