I'm late updating this year's outings. So just catching up on those new to me.
Chutla Peak in Mount Rainier National Park.
In summer time, I believe this would be an easier climb. But not sure, since I had never tried this before. Did chatted with someone who's done this multiple times.
In winter time, we had to ascend a very steep gully (to avoid the ridge walk, too jagged, which may be safer in summer). Most of my group didn't attempt this part.
We parked at Longmire main parking lot, walked ~0.5 mile, across a substantial bridge (photo 1) to the TH for "Eagle Peak".
There's an established trail through the forest all the way to be bowl below the mountain, ~5000'.
There, we put on snowshoes, continued into forest (we had track to follow this day, as there was a group ahead of us, but they didn't climb the peak).
Flat first, and then going up another ~500'.
You can see the traverse (2nd photo) we did towards the gully, and the pink route (3rd photo) where the gully is.
The gully is in the shade, so there was a short but icy section.
We put on crampons here. It was necessary.
Above this, it's snowshoe time again. The top is not steep, with powdery snow.
Could see Adams, Hood, and Helens to the south.