I think I lost my mind this day. After Wilcox I decided I should add the Valley of 5 lakes to my list. My legs were not particularly happy with me. :)
I glanced at the map in the lot...didnt really think to much about it. I was pretty tired at this point and thought...Ill decompress with an easy scenic trek. :) Well, I took the wrong 9. Several trails here. Several named 9, 9a, 9b...what? I chose 9. Ended up at this lake. Or what I thought to be the lake before calling it a day. That'll teach me :) Apparently, Wabasso is the Stoney Indian word for rabbit.
The trail is very easy going, well groomed and kinda cute. A few ups and downs. Narrow and gave off a nice energy. It was edged with tall brown grasses and prairie crocuses. It followed Wabasso river I believe through open meadows with views of the moutians and scattered forest. It was late in the day and the weather started to clear which made for a lovely evening. With the lack of tree cover I feel it would be extremely hot in summer. It appears the forest is still recovering from a forest fire and loaded with new growth. Lots of tree snags along the way or what I like to call...creepy trees. Love these!
We saw deer in the hills, goats and squirrels which caught Zeus' attention. The lake waters are a beautiful green.
I think this area is lovely to explore for some light walking through nature. Lots of options. Becareful as to which 9 you take....4.5kms turned into 10. 😮
Happy trails :)
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